Families are so important and crucial to the development of our lives. I think that some people underestimate the impact that families have on our personal lives, society, the economy and the overall success of our country. I love my family and despite the many imperfections that we have and stumble upon, I know that one day we will be perfected through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. And this will enable us to be together as a family for eternity. Everyday I am so unbelievably thankful that I have the opportunity to be with my family forever. Heavenly Father has given us the ability to be with our best friends forever, and I am a firm believer that we should all take advantage of that. I love that families can have to potential to start a chain reaction and change the world. Basically, I love families. Please enjoy my blog!
Nic Trounce
9/20/2013 08:21:02 am

you're awesome!! so are families!!

9/23/2013 04:30:04 pm

Hey my name is Emily and I am the TA for your class. Good job on your blog! You'll love this course and it will teach you so much about the importance of the family.


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