What are the purposes of parenting? This is something that we talked about in class today. It was a really interesting subject to talk about. One of the purposes that we came up with was for parents to develop a large capacity to love. I don't have kids, but I know the love that I feel for my baby cousins, siblings, and children that I babysit for on a regular basis. I love them so much, and I can't believe that I could anyone more than I love them. The love that a parent feels for their child must be just so so powerful. But lets go over the purposes of parenting for both the parent and child

For the child they have to opportunity to:
Emotionally connect
Have a safe environment to grow and learn
Become socialized
Prepare for eternal life 

For the parent:
Learn to understand Heavenly Father
Learn to serve
Become selfless
Forced to encounter challenges and overcome them
Learn to love
Prepare for eternal life

There are so many great purposes to parenting and there are so many ways to parenting. But there are more effective ways of parenting than others. I know that my parents love me and that they really care for me. That had never been something that I was unsure about. There have been several things that I have been doubtful about and times when I was unsure, but NEVER did I question my parents love for me. NO family is perfect. Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, "Perfection comes not in this life, but in the next." This is why I am thankful for the Atonement and that I have the chance to repent and be forgiven; this way I can grow into the parent that my Father in Heaven wants me to be. I am so thankful for the opportunity that I have to become a parent, that I have the opportunity to become more and more like my Heavenly Father and Savior everyday. Families have the privilege to be together forever, and I know that becoming a parent is a divine calling. 

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