How do we give the right messages to our children about the sacredness of procreating?
We talked about this for most of the class period. Sex is a sacred thing and it is meant for a married man and woman. What can we do to create a good picture for our children? I think that is is important for us to create an open line of communication with our children. If children/teenagers don't feel comfortable to come to their parents about these issues, they'll find other sources to find their information. Which could potentially damage them and their view on sex. Procreating will be the most enjoyed if waited until marriage, it is a gift from Heavenly Father. He gave it to us to create the bonds of marriage and to create children. It is a sacred sacred experience. We don't want our children getting the wrong picture. We should encourage them in healthy ways to always keep their virtue absolutely clean, but to also teach them of it's sacredness. We will be the most successful with this if we remain open with our children on this topic. Personally, my mom has always remained completely open about hearing all my questions and concerned. This has really made me appreciate what sex is; because of this open line of communication, I have never gone looking for more information. I've never felt the need to "experience." Remaining open and approachable will really benefit children and their questions and concerns. 

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